It finally happened. It shows without warning. When it does, there is nothing to do but to ride out the storm.
While I take a no nonsense approach to training and how I conduct my gym, I also have learned the value of PATIENCE.
I have said that I will empathize with people but I will not sympathize with them. I have found methods to extend my personal fuse way beyond what it use to be.
I muse that I don't need to turn on "Beast Mode" but rather take medication to keep it at bay. Honestly, in the past, I could turn into Mr. Hyde on a moments notice and come completely unglued.
I'm not sure what it was today, but I got up in a fine fucking fowl mood. Cranky as the Old Man that I am. Was it the need for more sleep? Perhaps come off the throttle a bit training? Letting stress get to me? (what stress...nahhh) or the nagging little injuries that I choose to overlook because, heck...they aren't really painful?
I'm not sure, but it came to a head when my own wife and son questioned the training board that I write the workouts on.
I take the time in the morning to write the workouts that I print here up on a white board. How many times will a person look at that board and stand cluelessly there and then ask me, "what do you want me to do?" Simple question. I often find myself explaining things because I write like I think and speak. (most of the time in Harryese)
I was in the middle of my own personal set and the question arose..."what's next?"
Aaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh! WHAT DOES IT SAY?
The attack was unnecessary and that set me up for a downward spiral until I could leave this morning.
Instead of checking my emotions and own barometer for tolerance like I normally do...I flew off the handle with ....
"Do the Prowler. If you don't want to do the Prowler, Row the Concept II. If you don't want row, ride the AirDyne. If you don't want to AirDyne, go home and sprint on the field. If you don't want to sprint on the field...DO SOMETHING! I DON'T CARE"
Rut-roh..."I don't care?" That is never to be uttered in the Coaches vocabulary no matter WHO you think you are!
This is my public apology to ALL parties that witnessed my short tempered, ill directed tirade today. From the innocent by standers all the way and especially my bride and my son!
Please forgive this Old Ogre?
Today's Training:
Run: 3.1
Walk; 1.0
Bike Commute 25 minutes
Both Tier I and II did the same things. the order was adjusted so as not to have any back ups.
C/S Row: 5x10
Meadow Rows: 4x8
Lat Pulldown: 4x8
DB Pullover: 4x10
BB Curl: 4x10
Hammer Curl: 4x10
I personally substituted 300 chin ups for the curls. I hate curls. I like chin ups! call me nuts.