I love most exercises, but some I love more, and love them so much I think everyone should do them.
Well, I am a fan of movements that work a lot of muscle groups at the same time and can be used for multiple desired results and ones that are functional.
Functional doesn’t mean the bullshit you see on Instagram with people standing on balls and using tubing to mimic something. Functional to me means it prepares us for sport, for daily life and is a natural human movement.
Squats, Deadlifts and Farmer’s Walks may be the three ultimate functional exercises we know of.
Today we are going to teach you how to properly do The One Exercise You NEED to Do That You Probably Aren’t. And we are going to do it the way I coach in the TPS Method.
It’s the Kettlebell Swing.
I love it.
It’s one of the most versatile exercises I know of and it utilizes a super basic human movement, the hip hinge if done right.
It also builds strength and mobility in the ankle, knee, hip and torso when done right.
That means you should do it.
Instead of reading 4000 more words on the whys and hows, just watch the video below.
And if you're saying that kettlebells are too expensive, grab a Kettlestrap from Spud Inc.
If you love the video and want more instructions, content, and programs, copy and paste:
for a 50% discount on my site only for my Elitefts readers.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
March 4, 2021