I am not one for filming lifts. Yes, I know we have a huge media side of the company and yes we do film lifts. Yes, I do train in a gym where others film their lifts (BUT, not at the distraction of themselves or others).
My phone stays on the table in the gym and was in someone else's bag the entire meet.
If I ever do film my lifts its on a tripod and very rare and in almost all cases to have content to troll myself with. I no longer compete nor will I again. It could also be that I lean toward the older ways where beepers were left in the car.
I will stop here and say this. There have been two times in my life where I did have my phone (Thank God) and one was very urgent and the other was a situation where I huge up and called 911. Had I not done so someone very close to me would very well be dead today. Even if I do not have my phone in a bag, someone (or more) knows where I am at and who I am with, in case there is an emergency they can reach me.
I did happen to have my phone in hand as I was walking back in the meet after running out to make a call and got the video below.
JP Carrolls daughter is in the gym every weekend and has been taking shit about this 200 deadlift for months now. Ya, can you imagine that? JP's daughter talking shit.
She trained some here and there and while we gave her shit - the same way we would anyone else - she would always toss it back. or just say "suh" (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean). I didn't know for sure if she was going to do the meet, let alone the entire competition... but she did. If she was going to do it, I only thought she was going to pull.
JP went about training her with this in mind. Train them when they want and let them not train when they want. Teach technique and let them go at their own pace. If they like it after the first meet then they have numbers to beat. If not, no big deal, they had a good experience.
She talked shit, Kept her grades up, went to the meet and did what she said she was going to do.
Respect to anyone who talks shit and backs it up!
Respect to JP for not pushing her into the meet.
Respect to her sportsmanship!
I filmed this just in case nobody else did as I know JP would have wanted to have it.
This will be a momement they both will remember the rest of their lives and I am glad I was there to see it.
The weekend was full of great lifting. I saw perfect days, all-time WR's, comebacks, PR's, freaky and amazing things on both days of the Women's Pro-Am.
One of the best things about the sport is the lifts you often remember most are not for the reasons most people think. It for reasons like this...
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