It is rare that I sit here and think, "What in the hell am I going to write?" There is almost always something out of the ordinary going on to note but not this week. This week everything is going about as well as it can go and I am hitting on all cylinders. After cutting back to 3 days a week instead of 4, things fell into a perfect rhythm and I am kicking myself for not making this change sooner.
I could bitch about being fat. I absolutely cannot stand not being lean and in great shape. I am not at all used to it and haven't been "fat" since probably 04 ish. However, it is a necessary evil and I am growing so bitching about it wouldn't make much sense.
I could bitch about having to eat so much ... and farting all the time ... and having to take a shit all the time ... and having to buy new clothes so that I don't feel like 10 pounds of potatoes stuffed into a 5 pound bag. But again, this is a sacrifice I am willing to make. Sweating at every turn - especially now that it is Summer? I can't even sit in a shade and not sweat. My balls can't even stand being next to each other and I now know what my wife means when she talks about boob sweat.
So, what to say? Not much.
Blood work gets done tomorrow after 12 weeks of off season. These bloods will tell me quite a bit and I will report those numbers next week as my endo is a bit slow getting me my results. Good guy but ... S ... L ... O ... W .
I'm just a hairy, fat, wreck of a guy right now but ... I am growing. When there is nothing to report other than great workouts, everything feeling good in the gym and no aches and pains, I can't complain. And that takes priority at this point. Now, I gotta run, I gotta take a shit.