I was tapping out today's training and was going to tell everyone about how one of my Hockey Player's couldn't do a strict sit up and needed to be able to, since he is leaving in a week and some hours, and was going to be TESTED on the strict sit up when he gets back to his team. That I applied Douglas Heel's method of "Be-Activated" and PRESTO, the kid became a sit up machine, in AWE of himself and me. (as he should be)
When this thought entered my head..."Ever hear the one about the person with the most toys when he dies, WINS?" It JUST occurred to me that nonetheless, that person is still dead and being dead isn't exactly winning, now is it? I know, but it's the way my mind works.
I'm pretty close when I said "by the end of the summer"...
Today's Totals in our quest for 10,000 Push ups and Dips, and 5000 pull ups is on point.
After today's workout which included 300 more push ups, HERE are the Standings
Pull up totals=5774 (Complete)
Push Up totals=7091
Dip Totals-8983
Prowler Totals: 23,782 yards (No Goal was set. Just wanted to track it)
The Push ups were done after Dynamic Bench: 8x3x60%
DB Lateral Raise: 3x15
DB Chest Supported Rear Delt Raise: 3x15
Neck: 1x12x8.0
Shrugs: 3x15x495