Only a few months ago I found myself crawling into a bed at a friend's house as I was recovering from a 40 hour flight and I remember someone telling me "Uhhh, you may want to be careful. Anthony Fuhrman was the last person to sleep in this bed so...." I really had no idea what that meant so as soon as I got some sleep in me I went to looking to see who that was online. Yep, it was the guy that I'd thought that it was. Good-looking guy, really in shape, crazy strong, covered in tattoos, huge smile! After some research I found out that he was pretty doggone good at Strongman and was just on some TV show with The Rock and supposedly did pretty well at that too.
Research is kinda my thing so it didn't take me long to dig up a few lesser known facts about Anthony:
Through high school Anthony was a Carnival Game Operator. His expert skill on these games made him an ideal shoe in for such a position and his rugged good looks kinda balanced out The Bearded Lady.
Anthony was a National Skee Ball Champion and still teaches classes out of his local Chuck-e-Cheese.
He has invented three nationally accredited optical illusions, one of which involve a pair of super short shorts with animal print on them.
For a short time he was a Deodorant Tester for a brand of deodorant he can't disclose but was also a professional pusher when he lived in Japan.
2019 Under 105 KG World's Strongest Man
3rd place 2017 Kazmaier Classic
8th place Arnold Amateur World Championships 2018
3rd place Worlds Strongest Man 2017
2nd place America’s Strongest Man
1st place 2017 Mid Atlantic Strongman Classic
3rd place 2016 strongman corporation nationals
I remember seeing him dominate the World Championships in the under 105 KG class and he never LOOKED like he was really having to push himself. I can't say I got a great look...I was mostly laying down trying to catch my breath between events and I think I saw him jogging to pass the time between events. So...he wins U105 World's Strongest Man in style and that was all that I heard from him in a while.
Not long after that, Terry Rady had a day off from work (they really need to take away Terry's internet access when he doesn't have to work) and he used that time to bring up a seemingly huge issue for him and several other athletes in Strongman this year. According to Terry, they were promised that if they moved up to the middleweight class (hasn't he already competed WELL in every small guy class so far?) that they would be provided with many competition opportunities in 2019, so he and many others agreed. His beef seemed to be that now there were no contests for him to compete at, he was too heavy to move back down to the Lightweights and didn't want to risk life and limb trying to compete with the Heavyweights week in and week out.
My initial thought was that this entire group of people think that they are ENTITLED to something that they aren't willing to do themselves. I asked them why they didn't take it upon themselves to create a small series of middleweight contests between them to get things started and you'd have thought I'd have either dropped a fart bomb in the room or asked a Geography question. Silly Americans...
But the more that I stopped and thought about this the more I wondered about the situation on both sides. The contest promoter does not know how to promote a Middleweight. I mean...I can hear a raspy voice on the microphone saying "Folks, these giants are all coming in at over 400 lbs and six feet seven inches tall" and every child will want their photo made with the largest of large men...basically like a circus show. The guy on the microphone can also say "Folks, these little guys are not just picking up but they are RUNNING with four times bodyweight on their backs for you guys! We all know that one guy at the gym who can squat 600 lbs but what about running with 700 lbs?!"
But what do you say about a bunch of guys who are just "in the middle". They aren't giants and they aren't micro machines. How do you promote that?
For starters...you run a show of just middleweights so they look huge to everyone. A 265 lb man who is lean is going to be the largest man in the audience and if your bring you child to the show they will still think he is huge. Your wife might snap a few shots for herself and another few shots for her friends as well...something she is not likely to do with the majority of the heavyweight athletes.
They would need a HEADLINER to get the marketing going. Do you have any idea what kind of money Big Z gets for just being AT a show? I'll just say that it is several thousand dollars per day. Anyone remember Phil Pfister? He used to have a guaranteed fee that he would get paid by showing up to compete...no matter if he took first or last or pulled out of the show. Plus he kept all prize money. Do you think Eddie Hall just shows up to a contest for free? Why is it do you think that the announcer makes sure to announce nonstop all day that these guys are The World's Strongest Man and how much they've lifted? Because it puts seats in the stands that normally would not be there.
Who do we have in The Middleweights that can do that? Anthony Fuhrman should be being exploited like crazy this year. In early 2019 he was on The Rock's TV show TITAN which was shown in 6.5 million homes and he did freaking amazing. Put his photo on your marketing materials and throw up a logo that says "You've Seen him on The Rock's The Titan!" and say it non-stop! You've seen the commercials, you've seen the show, you know The Rock...your children (and wife) may want their photo made with Anthony and it is now a great reason to come!
Do you know what you are most likely to see? A great, fast paced show where the guy you came there to see will probably be THE VICTOR in the end...or he will end up being in a huge battle right down to the finish which you can build up all day long!
Will Terry Rady be there in contention? It all depends on if he can get off from work and what his topic of the day on Facebook is...but probably so!
So here is the thing...The Middleweight guys can put on one heck of a show and if you push them a little bit...they will go ALL OUT for you as athletes at your show. Anthony Fuhrman will only be THE GUY FROM THAT SHOW for this year. He will only be 2018's World Strongest Man (and it matter) this year! If as a promoter you can't capitalize on Anthony and Anthony alone (and I know he is willing and ready to work FOR YOU), then that isn't his problem...it is yours. The opportunity is knocking right now for The Middleweight Strongman Class to really be something, to be a big money maker...but it won't be for long unless you grab onto it and support them. Start with Anthony Fuhrman, he will represent them proud.