I reached it on Friday. What? The point of bifurcation. You know, "Do or Die".
You've read about all the weight room heroes that say things like, "not until they peel my dead cold hands from the steel", or "It isn't over until I'm DONE"
After 20 years of rising every morning at 0300, opening a gym and pushing as hard as the day would allow me, I felt like Forrest Gump in that running scene, "I'm tired. I think I'll go home now." and just like that, he walks away and is DONE. I too, was DONE!
Understand, I didn't train EVERYDAY for 20 years, 365 days, 24 hours and whatever minutes.
But I have NOT considered resting at all. Just change the exercise.
I'm here to tell you, "YOU have a lot more in the tank than you think you do". But!!! When it's time to rest, DO THAT with the same intensity you use to train.
I thought I had the flu, 24 hour AIDS, a stomach ache in my head. I had EXHAUSTION.
After sleeping for 12 hours, waking just long enough to FEED and drink copious amounts of water and tea, I went to my son's Lacrosse tryout under the lights.
Getting home, I felt MUCH better! I then ate MORE food and went to bed that evening thinking there would be no way I'd sleep.
Another 8 hours a shower and more food and water. I'm typing.
I feel rested, and need to get out into the public for some Holiday shopping. Hahahahahaha, that's funny if you've ever seen me SHOP!
I suppose that with all things, MODERATION is STILL for cowards and PUSSIES!
But go full throttle on EVERYTHING! Including the much needed REST!
* The picture was taken off the Internet. I do not have the rights to it, or any Star Wars photos I am using it solely for the purpose of making a point using some humor.