Here’s another one from the college days. This must have been from my experimental period because there were many off the wall things that I tried to get stronger. This one is no exception, but it’s not as extreme as many of the others.
When I was in college, I discovered something really cool called “The Library.” This place was right on campus and was open to everyone. I know—hard to believe. But it’s true.
One day, while making my rounds, I got an idea. I was copying several articles out of the Soviet Sports Review when one of those “progressive” girls walked by. As I stood there in my flame printed baggy pants, tank top, Reeboks, gold chain, and boat neck sweatshirt, all I could think was “what a freak.” Then it hit me. Witchcraft! Spells! There had to be something there that could help me get stronger.
I walked up to the lady at the desk (called the “librarian”) and asked where I could find books on witchcraft and the occult. She walked with me over to these cabinets that had crazy long drawers in them. They held what looked to be recipe cards. A couple drawers later and I was on my way.
I spent close to one hour going through books. Let me tell you. I found a goldmine. There was so much to try, so much to use. I asked myself several times why nobody ever told me about this. When I thought it couldn’t get any better, I found the next best thing to sex. It was called “The Power Bath.”
This bath involved three red candles, one white candle, tea leaves, peppermint, a pig’s foot, and a bunch of other things that I won’t put in print. This was my find, not yours. If you want the “power bath,” do your own research.
The tea leaves and other power stuff went into the bath water. The white candle went in front and the red candles to each side and the back. After this was all set up, you were to kill the light and recite the “power chant.”
I take the power in my hand
From air and fire, water and land.
Power of the angels and divinity
Moves and pulsates the energy in me.
I build, I birth, I bring form.
I raise with might and energy storm.
I shape, I build the ultimate power.
From me blooms a perfect flower.
Of strength
Of healing
I reign....
Here’s the crazy thing. The next day, I had the best squat workout of my entire life. My best squat was 740 lbs at the time. On this day, I tripled 800 lbs. As you can guess, I was sold!
I repeated this several times but never got the same effect again. To this day, I still can’t figure out what I did different the first time. All I can think is that it was either the exact placement of the candles to my body, or the strength of the tea leaves was different.
This is another reason why you should always keep precise notes.