It can be either the easiest or the hardest thing to do. What's that you ask? Being my son!
Ever since Hunter was enrolled in Nursery School he knew how to handle negative interactions with other kids. Mean kids...AKA "Bullies".
Especially here in California where people are very careful to stick their unwanted noses into other people's business my son knew and could recite back the rules of how to handle THAT kid.
Rule 1: Tell the other kid to stop!
If the kid doesn't stop, raise it to level 2
Rule 2: Tell the adult supervising that you told the kid to stop bugging you and he/she hasn't.
Said kid still engages in negative behavior towards you. Escalate to DefCom 3.
Rule 3: LIGHT THE PERP UP! Beat the living ugly out of him. Let Satan himself know that all bets are off if he comes to meet you.
I will then come to your aid and CLEAN ALL matters of said bullying up.
Cool thing here is Hunter has never had to take it to even level 2. He's a great guy and is usually EVERYONE'S friend.
Hope you 'rents are teaching your kids to stand up for themselves too. It really is a shame to see everyone sit down when they have to pee.
DB Flat Bench: 4x10x70
Dynamic Effort Bench using the Buffalo Bar: 10x5x185
Cable Fly: 5x10x50 as the first five super sets
Chain Fly: 5x10x60 lbs of chains in each hand as the second five sets of super set with the D.E. Bench
Supine DB Tri Extension: 4x12x30 using a Sling shot to keep the elbows close together
Zig Zag Bar Cable Tricep Push down: 4x12x120
Bike commute and lacrosse practice later.