Until you build that relationship with the head coach who may potentially hire you; you are a piece of paper. Until there is a face to the name and an in-person connection, you are merely your accolades.
No one has ever been hired on just their resume. The reputation has to follow and the actions have to reinforce it. But a poor resume will cripple a potentially good coaches chances of getting their foot in the door. Here are some quick tips to help with the resume, the cover letter, and even some help for head coaches giving letters of recommendations.
These are some general guidelines, every situation is different, but this may give you an idea of where to start.
Basically there are a few different templates for resumes. Some are purely chronological, some are divided by experiences, and some by skill.
Chronological: good for young coaches with no relatable experience.
Experience based: most common, still chronological and the most employer friendly.
Skill based: Best way to profile skills and truly show your strengths. Also can be very flaky and vague.
General tips:
Objective: try to make this specific to the job you are applying for.
Do not include high school. Include the university, Major, and even any research you are engaged in.
You can split this up to coaching exp, work exp, volunteer exp, etc. Just make sure they relate to the position you are applying for. Not saying you can;t include that summer job at Abercrombie and Fitch, just make sure you include the duties that may help your chances at that internship.
Honors and activities:
Again, these should show you have promise. Including being a part of a fraternity is not a bad thing to include especially if you had a leadership role. Include playing experience, clubs, community services etc. All of those can paint an overall picture to help your case.
Bottom line is when you first start pursuing a career in S&C, you spend a lot of time trying to fill lines on your resume. After a while, you spend time trying to streamline. The absolute best thing you can do to "beef up" your resume is add add pertinent lines to it. Those being experience and certification. Other activities that look good that can fill space is listing ever clinic and conference you've gone to. It shows that you are passionate and it fits nicely into the "professional development" category.
just keep it to one page...
Cover Letters
1. Each cover letter must be specific to the position and school you are applying for. The format can be similar, but it has to be directed at the position and people you are applying to.
2. Address it to who your supervisor would be, even if it is being send to human resources.
3. Split the cover letter up into 4 paragraphs:
The first paragraph should be an introduction. Who are you? What is your current position? What position are you applying for?
The second paragraph should talk about why you want to be considered for the position. What is so appealing about the position and why it fits your career aspirations.
The third paragraph should sum up why you are the best candidate for the position and how you would be a positive attribute for the staff and university.
The last paragraph should sum up your intentions, core values, and how to reach you.
4. If you get any kind of response from the employer, respond with a hand written note regardless of whether you will be brought in for an interview.
Letter of Recommendation
I had a great conversation with my good Friend Nic Bronkal about letters of recommendations. These can be tricky, The format is similar to a cover letter, but there are some differences.
1. Do not write a letter of recommendation for someone that you wouldn't hire yourself. Every letter of recommendation you write is a direct reflection of you, your university, and your supervisors. It is difficult to say no to a request, so follow up with a reason(s) why you don't feel comfortable. They will appreciate it (after hating you for a while) in the end.
2. When you do write a letter of recommendation make sure you are honest. If the candidates have any areas they need to improve, make sure the employers know. That honestly is not a huge deal for employers as long as they know upfront and are not caught off-guard. Anytime asked if the candidate has areas to improve upon, lack of experience is usually the truth and a downfall most coaches can deal with.
3. Get an updated resume from anyone you are writing a letter of rec for. Also, use this as a way to help them with their resumes. This way if you get a call about one of them, you have the necessary information like dates, majors, etc, right in front of you.
4. Make sure that anyone you wrote a letter for notifies you of every position they apply for. This may be a pain, but at least you won't get caught offguard. I talked to a head strength coach a few weeks ago and had no idea who we were talking about until halfway through the conversation. I had to seriously back track and hopefully didn't hurt that person's chances.
5. As far as lighting the actual letter, stick with the four paragraph template like with cover letters.
First, introduce yourself as who you are and what your position is it a little about yout program.
Second paragraph, explain who you're writing the letter on behalf of and what their specific duties were with you.
Third paragraph, briefly explain why that candidate would be a good fit for the position they are applying for.
Last paragraph, some of it up and provide your contact information.
Went to Pittsburgh this weekend and stayed at a Spring Hill Suites which had a fitness center with dumbbells up to 50s. I had to be done by the time my wife was done drying here hair and my duaghters watched Paw Patrol for the umpteenth time to be done before breakfast.
1 Arm DB Snatch
50s x 5
50s x 3
1 Arm DB Push Press
50s x 5
50s x 3
Dummbell High Pull
50s x 5
50s x 3
Dummbell Sqaut Press
50s x 5
50s x 3
Goblet Squat
50s x 20
1 Arm SL RDL
35s x 10
DB Bench Press
50s x 30
1 Arm DB Row
50s x 15
Snatch, BTN Squat Press, BTN Push Press Complex
60kg for 5 singles
BTN Push Press from Rack
195 for 2 doubles
Box Jumps
supersetted with...
Assisted Band Plyo Push-Ups
Glute-Hame Raise
20lb MB 1 x5
supersetted with...
MB Sit up on GHR
20lb x10
Incline Prone Shoulder Circuit
Ys, Ts, Ws, Serrano Presses 1x20