When my buddy, Vincent Dizenzo coined the phrase and t-shirt design "GFH", he was so far ahead of the curve that he became an on-the-spot GENIUS to me.
Think about this first...What does GFH mean? For those who are freshmen, it stands for "Get Fucking Huge".
Why is getting huge important? Easy...Mass moves mass.
Why is that important to know...Gosh, picture this;
You weigh 105 pounds and you walk out of a nice store that is a bit upscale. Two thugs grab you, put you in the back of their black van with no windows, and bam! You're kidnapped and they are writing a ransom note.
Now imagine you being 6'4" 395 pounds of rock-hard muscle with world record totals. You can move like a cheetah and can endure like a world-class marathoner...Well..."BAM" those two thugs are going back to their gang hangout to recruit at least four more thugs to kidnap you and they are still a little bit wary of their plot.
So the goal going forward on this Throat Punch'n Thursday is to get as strong and HUGE as possible
Today's Training:
I felt a LOT better today after getting almost 10 solid hours of sleep since the night before was a whimsical 1 hour. SLEEP is NOT over rated!
AirDyne: 30 mins
Bike Commute: 29 mins
Box Squat: 7x7x+30 lbs over last weeks 12x12
GHR: 4x10
Reverse Hyper: 4x10
Ab Wheel: 4x10
Ab Crunch: 100 reps
Bike Commute: 25 mins. (for no particular reason)
Sprint: 10x50 yards @75%