The MONSTER GARAGE GYM/MAROSCHER COACHING LOG is a weekly Coaching Log by MGG owner, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Eric Maroscher, and is one of the Featured Coaching Logs at EliteFTS.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM is one of the premier powerlifting gyms in the US.
Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log: (Log number LXXVI). The “Sugar and Spice and Everything BAD *SS!!!” Coaching Log [HD VIDEO INCLUDED!!!!]
The purpose of this Coaching Log is to show you a day in the life of one of the top RAW female squatters in the world, as well as hoping you will pick up something from her training from the day (chronicled below) or the video embedded into this log that will help you in your own personal training session.
Prior to reading her log for the day, a couple aspects about Nicole that I personally find to be direct links toward her success in the gym and on the platform that will help give some context to the video and training information.
• Athleticism: She played 4 years of college softball at Whitworth University (short stop/center field). Although not a requirement, natural athletic ability is pretty much a bonus for powerlifters. You can teach a lot in the weight room, but being athletic is a gift one is born with.
• Work ethic: There is no dilly-dally in the gym. Nicole gets down to business and from start to finish, every set is done very well from her warm-ups to her heavy sets.
• Coachable: When Shaun (Nicole’s coach) gives her feedback or direction, she listens but of equal importance, she applies that information. Having been in this game for over two-and-a-half-decades, trust me when I say, you will have lifters come to the MGG to be surrounded by some of the best lifters around and although they will ask for help, when that feedback comes, they continue along with their technical flaws and/or problematic training regimen. As we are a teaching gym, we will work with any level lifter, however in all honestly, if the lifter “already knows it all,” we choose to spend our time helping the lifters who not only want to be better/stronger, but take and apply that information. Nicole is one of those types of lifters.
• Desire: Nicole has a strong desire to become better and better and better. Again, an intrinsic trait that a lifter either naturally possesses or does not. There really is no middle ground. It is a little bit like you time in the gym…is someone simply working out, or are they training. Pretty big difference.
• Symmetry: There is symmetry in Nicole’s life. In other words, there is not just powerlifting. In my experience, and I have heard Dave Tate say this a dozen times as well, if lifting is all an individual has, things are not going to end well. Nicole has a professional life where she is a supervisory chemist at Millipore-Sigma, and in addition to her duel Bachelors of Science degrees, she is currently working on her PhD in Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Marquette University. She also has a social life and an aspect of success that is often over looked, is she has a positive outlook on life in general. If the lifter’s comments are primarily complaints that will eventually impact their lifting because complaints and obstacles are what one sees when they lose sight of their goals and the big picture.
• Consistent/disciplined: Nicole never misses a workout and has the discipline to remain focused during those sessions. Great conversation and social media can wait the end of the session. She knows how to stay in the here and now.
So what Nicole has going for her since coming to the MGG back in November is a powerlifting atmosphere conducive for success, the best EliteFTS equipment ever made, a supportive team, a coach who never phones it in, but is 110% focused on his lifters, but all those things without the bulleted areas mentioned above, truly equal nothing. The two aspects, external influences and internal fortitude must both be present for success to truly bloom. Look around at the lifters in your gym that are successful and also, not so successful. You will see what we are referring too.
Nicole as a RAW w/wraps powerlifter currently has a 580LB RAW squat, 335LB bench press, and a 470LB deadlift at a bdw of about 198LBS. On this training day, here is what took place in Nicole’s own words:
“Warmed up that day to 405 (taking doubles and the whole way up)
Finishing with a double at 540 lbs!
After I do squats, I do speed pulls against bands and off of blocks. Deadlifting is my weakest lift. My issue isn't off the floor or the lockout, it is the transition right above my knees.
Fortunately, my strength has never been an issue. I've really been working on form and technique (knees out, hips back, head up, etc.). I have my 3rd meet coming up, Wings of Strength July 2!!! Right now my weight is hovering around 198, but my first 2 meets I competed SHW. My first meet I totaled 1168 and my second meet I totaled 1262. I've been powerlifting for about six months, prior to I spent the majority of my time in the gym training to be a bodybuilder. My base and frame came from playing 4 years of college softball. I still play softball 3 days a week, train the other 4 days a week. I take aminos, vanilla protein, animal pak, and glutamine for recovery.”
Equipment used in this video:
EliteFTS deluxe monolift
EliteFTS Texas Squat Bar
EliteFTS Spud Safety Straps
EliteFTS Texas Deadlift Bar
EliteFTS bands
Zercher Harness
EliteFTS 3x3 power rack
Reverse Hyper
Ab wheel
The HD training video features highlights from this training session. We hope that seeing Nicole’s training and reading her training notes, as well as reflecting on the bullet points above will in some way help you in your training. Wishing you the best in your training, and thank you for following EliteFTS and the Monster Garage Gym.
Ever Onward: Eric Maroscher, Owner, Monster Garage Gym.
***MONSTER GARAGE GYM shirts and MONSTER GARAGE GYM MONSTER GRIP on sale now at: http://shop.monstergaragegym.com/
As with all of our coaching logs, if you have questions about any of the information or need further explanation, feel free to message us on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/MONSTER-GARAGE-GYM-122378057784944/
You can find ALL of the prior EliteFTS/Maroscher Coaching Logs at this link: https://www.elitefts.com/author/eric-maroscher/
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