It’s been a while since I’ve done won of these posts, so if you’re new to them, remember I’m using a little hyperbole to get my point across. Look, some people do have limits that prevent them from getting really fucking strong, but chances are, you aren’t one of them. Chances are, if you want it bad enough, you’ll achieve it.
But if you hear someone in the gym saying one of these excuses, chances are, they don’t want it bad enough.
- “I have back/knee/hip/shoulder/elbow issues.” Guess what? Powerlifting fucking hurts. Get used to it, don’t run away from it. Injuries — especially long-ago injuries — don’t have to stop you from lifting. Learn to work with your body, make the movement modifications you need, and keep getting stronger.
If this guy can do it, so can you.
- “I’m too tall/short/big/small to be a good lifter.” Right. Because elite powerlifters don’t come in all shapes and sizes. Yeah, you might need to find some unconventional techniques — just look at my squat — but your leverages are absolutely not stopping your from getting strong.
- “I just want to look good.” It’s totally fine to have goals that don’t involve strength. But it’s not like having other goals prevents you from getting strong, too — and chances are, you’d look better if you were stronger anyway. Check out my powerbuilding programs if you can’t figure out how to have your cake and eat it, too.
- “I’m too old.” David Ricks is laughing at you. So is Nick Best.
- “My genetics suck.” Fuck you.
So what’s your excuse?