![THE UN-LOG: [HD TRAINING VIDEO INCLUDED]](https://www.elitefts.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/MGstevesquatsize700.jpg)
The MONSTER GARAGE GYM/MAROSCHER COACHING LOG is a weekly Coaching Log by MGG owner, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Eric Maroscher, and is one of the Featured Coaching Logs at EliteFTS.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM is one of the premier powerlifting gyms in the US.
Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log: (Log number XLII). “THE UN-LOG”
This Coaching Log features WPC World Powerlifting Champion and 1,000LB squatter, Steve Brock. Steve is a master division 275-308LB powerlifter who cut his teeth in the sport as a pupil of the legendary Ernie Frantz and trained at the original Frantz Health Studio back in the early 1990’s. Steve is in the midst of training for a meet and is coming off of last week’s big 1,010LB squat. The plan for today was to be reps off a box with the EliteFTS Safety Squat Bar plus weight plus average bands. What ended up happening was Steve got to working set weight when he felt a pull in his leg, what we suspect is his adductor magnus.
The purpose of this training log was to demonstrate the varying heights used on the box as Steve was training off a 12 in box with 1 additional inch of boards and his training partner for the day, James Petitt (who is taller than Steve) was training of a 15” box. Often you will see lifters using a box, sometimes the only box in the gym and it is not the right height for the lifter, thus, if too tall, the work off of that box pretty much reinforces the lifter’s body to learn the incorrect squat depth as well as not training the portion of the squat below that parallel line. *Newer to intermediate powerlifters, ask yourself, “Why are you using the box you currently use for box squats? Are you using that box because it is the correct height for your leg length or height, or are you using it because, well, everyone at the gym uses that box? Do you know what height box you should be using?” These are hugely important questions and the right answer is you use the box that is best fitting the height you need to be below parallel for that type of box work. If you can’t for sure say that, as you just don’t know, and you are serious about your powerlifting, find out the height you require and either make the proper box yourself, have someone who knows what they are doing, make you a box for the proper height you require, or at the risk of sounding like a commercial, get a ‘Box Squat Box’ from EliteFTS as they are adjustable in height from 11” to 16”. Not squatting from the proper box height is selling your box work short at best, making it counterproductive at worst. We are currently putting together an article about this to help further illustrate this point.
What this log obviously ended up being is The UN-LOG, as Big Steve, during his first set of 5 plates plus average bands off his 12” box plus 1” of board tweaked an adductor muscle and could not finish the training session. We went ahead with this log because that is what sometimes happens during training. Your potential for injury in this sport is 100%. Let me say that again, 100%. As it WILL happen. But as powerlifters, we claw our way out of that hole the injury shoved us down, and we climb out. We do this because this is our nature.
Following Steve’s injury, his squat day was over, but as Steve is a true champion, he stayed the duration of the session at the Monster Garage Gym and helped out other lifters as being a great powerlifter is also about giving back to your teammates. Steve is a living example of a great powerlifter.
Steve’s training session included the following:
Squats with the EliteFTS SSB off a 12 inch box plus 1 inch of boards plus average bands for reps out of the EliteFTS monolift.
Squats with the EliteFTS SSB off a 12 inch box plus 1 inch of boards plus average bands for reps out of the EliteFTS monolift x 1 plate.
Squats with the EliteFTS SSB off a 12 inch box plus 1 inch of boards of plus average bands for reps out of the EliteFTS monolift x 2 plates.
Squats with the EliteFTS SSB off a 12 inch box plus 1 inch of boards plus average bands for reps out of the EliteFTS monolift x 3 plates.
Squats with the EliteFTS SSB off a 12 inch box plus a 1 inch of boards plus average bands for reps out of the EliteFTS monolift x 4 plates.
Squats with the EliteFTS SSB off a 12 inch box plus a 1 inch of boards plus average bands for reps out of the EliteFTS monolift x 4.5 plates.
Squats with the EliteFTS SSB off a 12 inch box plus a 1 inch of boards plus average bands for reps out of the EliteFTS monolift x 5 plates – no lift. Strained muscle.
*The training footage in this video (filmed in HD, let load to 720 or 1080 for HD quality).
We hope you find this coaching log as a whole of use to you in your training. Please let us know by your comment(s) if these logs are useful to you and what we can do to make the better. If you like them, we would appreciate it if you would share them. As always, thank you for following the Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher coaching log. Ever Onward, Eric Maroscher.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM and Monsterette shirts available at: http://shop.monstergaragegym.com/
Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher coaching log by:
Eric Maroscher, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Columnist, Elitefts, Team Elitefts Member, Owner, Monster Garage Gym.
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