I’ve had a few requests for a Work from Home Mobility Program. I think this is a great topic to write about since so many people are working from home now and I’d bet this may be worse than sitting in an office.
Well, in an office you tend to:
- Have a proper desk/workspace
- Get up and move around more
- Talk to and interact with people
At home, you probably:
- Do not have a proper workspace or correct height desk
- Do not move as much
- Are not as productive for many reasons (topic for another article)
With that in mind, I’m giving you a quick, easy and effective Work from Home Mobility Program for your upper body and lower body. Both will cover the whole body, but I’m giving you two so you can alternate them daily.
Even if you don’t work from home, these are great to do in the gym, or at home after work.
Work from Home Mobility Program 1
T Spine Extension x 8 reps with a 2 count hold at the end
Clamshell x 8 reps each side
Cat-Camel x 8 reps
Glute Stretch x up to 60 seconds each side
Perform the Work from Home Mobility Program 1 three days per week for 3-4 sets.

Work from Home Mobility Program 2
Quadruped T Spine Rotation x 8 reps E/S
Inchworms x 8 reps
Shinbox Get Up x 8 reps
Couch Stretch x up to 60 seconds E/S
Perform the Work from Home Mobility Program 2 three days per week for 3-4 sets.
Here you have two mobility sessions that should take just a few minutes out of your day, but will leave you feeling more invigorated, and more flexible/mobile.
Both of these Work from Home Mobility Programs cover the whole body and require no extra equipment. If you like the idea here and want more that requires mobility tools, just leave a comment and I’ll get on it.
Here’s to being fit, mobile and flexible and less killable.
Did you miss last week’s log?

Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
December 15, 2023