When asked in the past..."what do you do for your arms?" or "what does your program look like for shoulders and back?" I have always answered ...SQUAT. Then I thump my chest with two fists and add...MILK TOO!
Out of all the different training sessions we do, Dynamic Squat just might be my favorite.
They make me hungry, sexy and about 5 hours...Quite sleepy, when I've done them correctly.
Although I may NEVER reach my goal of a 1000 pound squat ...Raw Dog Raw...I like to train as IF. So today we added some big ass bands to a Mastodon Bar weight of about 62,000 pounds of reverse thrusting parallel box squats. I might add...It was GLORIOUS.
Then, we ran outside for PROWLER SUICIDES. The progression of increasing distances between cones roughly took us 200 yards PER cluster. So to achieve the specific tone of wheeze, we needed to do EIGHT of them
GHR's x 123 reps...NO KIDDING
Shrugs: 4x10x445
4 way neck: 1x15x6.0
Pull up totals=3654
Push Up totals=4731
Dip Totals-6433
Prowler Totals: 18,520 yards