Here are Judy’s best lifts of a 47.5 kg/104.7 lb bench and a 97.5 kg/215 lb deadlift in the 148 lb weight class at the APF PHG Throwdown on October 28 (yes, I’m behind on my posting):
Although these weren’t Judy’s best lifts, the primary point of this meet was to qualify for nationals. There’s also something to be said for staying active, especially as we get to our later years. Far too many people retire, stop moving and gradually fade away. It’s a lot tougher for a strong body that never stops moving to fade away. Whether or not they break a record each time, she and Davey are already winning at life.
I’m not sure how I ended up training some of the youngest and oldest competitors at the same time, and even in the same meet, but it’s pretty cool, and also proves that my training method works for lifters of all ages.