Sometimes you have to be the bigger person and walk away. But, then, sometimes you have to throat punch the Motherfucker to get your point across...
My training partner, Al and I were discussing the tell tale signs of a heart attack or stroke this morning.
I mentioned to him that there was a pain in my chest at the shoulder and how my hands were numb.
He told me that he had shortness of breath, and was sweating.
The upper body pain and slurred speech.
I returned fire with light headedness and jaw drop.
Here we are on a daily basis working the "kinks" out and we are totally ignoring the warning signs of a heart attack and or stroke, for certainly after we warm up, all of this will subside...and it does.
I think that IF it ever really occurred, we wouldn't know the truth and probably just work through it.
Shit...if the upper body hurts...we'd just squat or dead lift anyway.
Add another plate!
Have a great Throat Punch Thursday!!!
Today's Training:
Dynamic Bench: 10x5@50%
Bamboo Bar and suspended KB Bench: 5x10@36
Horizontal Cable Pec Flexion: 4x25
Cable Face Pull: 6x20@90
Lateral Raise: