Granted we have all had an "off-day". The get up and go, got up and went. Out of the groove. Interruptions...etcetera, etcetera...
The way I look at it is, if you showed up you are way ahead of the rest and if I combine the overweight people AND the obese that probably puts that number about 85%.
You're better than 85% of the people! THEY are the ones with a bad training session because they didn't show!
Show up, and be dressed. Meaning be there and have the right attire. Have your weight belt, your squat briefs, squat suit, bench shirt, powder, or whatever "DRESSES" you for the day's lift and also the gear for the conditioning part. Yes!!! My program is STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING. If you don't have the right stuff for the entire workout, you will be training in what you have! REGARDLESS of how silly you might look. This will now raise you to be better than 90% of the population
Show up, dressed, and READY TO WORK/PLAY...
Be ready to work or play meaning that your head is on right, warm ups feel good, and the focus is laser like. When it's your turn to lift...Massive aggression surfaces, muscles begin to flex prior to the actual lift, you have seen the lift in your thoughts and your technique is FLAWLESS!
Now you are ahead of 95% of the folks that haven't even left their kitchens.
So you didn't have a bad workout. You are ahead of the game and you are on your way to "Champion".
Today's Training
AirDyne: 30 mins
Bike Commute: 35 mins (into a beautiful head wind the entire way)
Dead Lift: 15x1 (moderately heavy)
Reverse Hyper: 4x15
Seated Band Leg Curl: 2x50x medium band
Banded Front Shrug: 100 reps