I swear to the Great Spirits that you believe in, I live within a community of the WORSE drivers on the planet, bar NONE!
Now it's ONE thing to be demoed while you drive a car, BUT...I don't. I ride my bike.
Yup, this isn't the first, nor do I believe to be the LAST time I got hit while riding my bike.
I don't run lights, I wait and obey ALL the rules of the road. Like I've said...I've been HIT before and I'm still here to tell you...that shit hurts!
The issue I am taking, is not so much the hit. My skin will stop bleeding. The bruises will disappear, but for the LIFE that will not stop, why the FUCK won't people STOP to see if I'm ok? The driver after taking my rear tire out while looking beyond me at the next car in traffic and thinking "I can make it" sped off without so much as a window rolled down to yell..."TAG YOU'RE IT!"
I went to the bank where I was going to do some business, to the horror look on the tellers face as I stood there bleeding on the floor.
I asked for a band aide, and got not only my money takin' care of, but an alcohol wipe to clean my gashes, and 20 of those medium size band aides to stripe my leg.
I'll be fine! I always am. BUT...California has too many people that can't drive, and an awful infrastructure to handle the volume.
My bullshit meter and it's filter are now FULL.
Tricep Cable Push down
DB Bicep Curl
Cable Curl
Skull Crushers
Reverse Grip Curl
4 way neck
Knees to Elbows
Wood chops
Each exercise was done for three sets. All reps were slow in acceleration and slower in its deceleration. Full range and hard contractions at each end of the movements be it extension OR flex.
IF the rep count exceeds 15 reps the weight is to be raised by 5 lb.
If it doesn't reach 8 the weight should be decreased.
GREAT pump!