- Sale reminder - 2/3 of Yoke Bar Stock has already sold
- Things you don't know about the Yoke Bar but should
- Pad Info
- Training Cycle
I sent a note last week about the start of the elitefts Better Than Black Friday offers.
Currently, we are running straps, wraps, sleeves and the SS Yoke Bar.
Best Prices of the Year on these items - 55% off straps, wraps, and sleeves plus save $110.00 on SS Yoke Bar. Free Domestic Shipping. This could save up to $170.00 on the Yoke Bar when shipping is taken into account. This is why we only do this ONCE a year.
You may not know.
1. This bar was reverse-engineered by me because I couldn’t use any of the existing bars on a weekly basis. Once a month, for max effort work or short phases was fine, but any longer than that and my back got trashed and my recovery took a hike. Due to shoulder restrictions, I can’t use a straight bar to squat with.
2. I realized the reason was due to the short pad and the spinal compression. Not only was the weight displacement 1/4 that of a barbell it was all directly on my C-spine, with all the force of being down my T-spine. Not good on a weekly basis. Plus, the pads were breaking down so it didn’t take long until it began compressing my vagus nerve.
3. I needed a wider and higher density inner pad to displace the weight across the upper back and not break down, while still providing the benefits of the yoke bar (more upper back work, no strain on shoulders or pecs, different hand positions, great to build squat and deadlifts, easy to teach the squat with, provides overload and easier to recover from).
4. What still needed address was better stability and fit for all-sized people. Another layer of padding was added to allow for maximum weight displacement across the back (no daylight anywhere), thicker shoulder pads, so big heads still fit but those with narrow shoulders could also feel stable and tight.
5. What we ended up with was an expensive pad that nobody wants to reverse engineer because it’s far more expensive than a foam swimming noodle and the reality is that most of this won’t matter unless you can squat over 400 pounds, so there is no need to change.
6. I forgot to note we also meathead drop tested our bar to know it would bend at around 800 pounds if a 6’7 350-pound guy flips the bar off his back from standing position to lower safety. Our first prototypes and all competitors' at the time snapped the end of the bar off with 5 plates per side. This may not seem like a big deal unless you start using 600 pounds on concentric only suspended good morning. This is why we always build with the strongest lifters in mind because it not only ensures their safety but everyone else’s.
7. We also made the handles detachable as it’s an amazing bar to use for JM Presses.
8. While we do warranty our pad, we do so only for those who purchased the bar from elitefts. We do not sell our pad as a standalone item.
9. We also do not offer the bar with rotating sleeves for a reason. This would be easy to do but negates part of what makes this bar work so well. Take the thoracic extension movement (what I’d call an upper back good morning). If the sleeves rolled with the plates, it would change how the muscles are being loaded and where.
Watch the video below and you will see what I mean. Imagine how this would work if the sleeves spun?
This video also shows many of the items discussed above.
The video is embedded on the product page:
Before I forget. We have sold 2/3 of our Yoke Bar inventory set back for this sale, so I highly suggest you pick yours up today.
As always thank you for your support.
Live, Learn, Pass it on,
Dave Tate
P.S. The 3-week phase
- Use 50% of your best SS Yoke Bar Max
- Use a Box Squat Box and Pause on Box For ONE count then explode up
Week 1 - 50% for 10 sets of 2 with 90 seconds rest
Week 2 - 50% for 14 sets of 2 with 60 seconds rest
Week 3 - 50% for 10 sets of 2 with 60 seconds rest and 10 more sets of 2 with 45 seconds rest
Dave Tate
CEO elitefts