I tried to think of something I have done worst then this and I've done some really stupid shit but this might top the list.
This is 100% Void mode.
If you want to follow my training, this week went as...
Sunday - Chest and Shoulders
Monday - Off
Tuesday - Arms
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Arms
Saturday - Back
This was the leg session.
Seated Leg Curls:
* 3 warm up sets of 10
* 1 work set of 23 with 30 partials
Yoke Bar High Box Squats
* 7-8 warm up sets working up to 4 quarters per side for 4 singles, 3 sets of 3, and 2 sets of 10, then a few more singles.
- I did the "few more sets of singles" as I needed help with my "stupid shit set" and was waiting for others to get done with their dynamic bench work. I knew spotting me was going to fuck their sets and reps up so I just did more warm up sets until they were done.
* STUPID SHIT SET - went back down to a quarter per side and did what you see in the video. This is not recommended, highly doubtful it will make you bigger or stronger but is part of the stupid shit I do from time to time. I either come up with - or in this case - someone else comes up with some stupid idea about something I am not sure I would be able to do. Then I think about it for days and if it is a fucked up enough idea I have to find out if I can do it or not. If I do decided to then I modify it to lessen the chance of me breaking something or popping my hip out.
This idea came to me as starting with 10 quarters per side for 5 and working down a quarter (5 reps each) and then back up to 10 plates again all for 5 reps. I liked the challenge of this but hated the risk with it set up like this. Doing it this way, with a replaced hip and a second one that is trashed, would mean when I get back up to the top weight 565 for 5 it will be after doing 95 reps. I do some stupid shit but these is a line. Hitting a heavy 5 after 95 reps crossing the line from stupid shit - very high risk.
So I changed it and started down and worked up until I couldn't do 4-5 reps and then back down again. Even with this I didn't make it to 10 per side and wasn't able to get 4-5 per set but this was really fucking hard. So hard, I am not sure I ever want to do it again.
**** Rested for around 10 minutes *****
Leg Extensions
* 4 sets of 20
Hip Adduction
* 3 sets of 20
Hip Abduction
* 3 sets of 20
Seated Leg Curls
* 1 set of 100