Listen, I'm no contender for the O. I not even a contender for nationals or even a Jr show. Hell, I might have to fight for a top 3 finish at a state or regional show these days but ... at least for now, things couldn't be going any better for this prep. I was anxious starting the prep wondering if due to my age AND the fact that I haven't competed for 5 years might not yield the same results as the past but so far everything is dead money.
I am not at all saying it will continue though I anticipate that it likely will at least for now. Will I end up in the condition I anticipate in the end? I honestly don't know because this is a different game this time. I'm not only dealing with age but the lack of ridiculously high hormone levels isn't going to help, either.
Aside from the very positive results so far, I also am up in strength of which I can only attribute to a change in my psyche due to starting a prep that I feel I have a lot to prove (and a lot on the line). I mean, you might think that I have an easy out if things don't right by saying, "Well, I'm older now and I was running TRT dosing, what do you expect", but anyone who knows me knows that is not how I operate. I would never do this if I didn't think I could pull it off and I am definitely going for the goal of, "Holy shit, Skip you killed it".
I have also done something that some of you will find odd but I went back to using a belt while in the gym. I am not using it so much by cinching it as tight as possible but more to keep it tight and remind me to keep control of my midsection. As I have aged (as most do) my gut rounds out more even when I'm lean. I have no idea if this will help but the few people that stand out as having small waists and have trained almost as long as I have, where a belt religiously in the gym and have for years. I am not all convinced that using a belt cinched real tight is going to help the integrity of my lower back but I do feel it is possible that if not cinched too tight, it might help me maintain better control of my midsection. I could be wrong but I am trying it out to see for myself.
I love the structure of prep. I would prep all of the time if I could because I love everything being so consistent and routine - almost a rhythm that makes me that much more efficient in other aspects of my life, at the same time. I also love not having to force food or have a full stomach all of the time. I feel younger which, as you age, is a huge bonus. And there's something "legit" about prepping for a show. I don't feel that I am better than anyone else but I do enjoy the feeling that when I'm in the gym, I am doing something that almost everyone around me is not doing or simply cannot do, for whatever reason. Sometimes people just have no desire but there are a lot of people that desire to compete but simply don't have the psychological strength to do it. I like knowing that I am "different" and have been most all of my life. I really like that feeling.
I also am going to really like the feeling of Skiploading this Sunday. I am starting to get more depleted but nothing bad yet. I have very little hunger but start to feel it later in the week. Again, I won't be gorging on carbs this Sunday but definitely feel I need more carbs than just a few weeks ago. Same foods will apply:
Big bfast
Gnocchi or spaghetti with garlic bread
Possibly some Beau Jos "Smart Menu" pizza, as well.
Mrs. Skip is killing it, as well. I love when she diets with me and trains with me and is focused and kicking ass. Some young girl told her that we are the cutest couple in the gym, last night. Obviously, that bitch meant we are old because only old couples are "cute".