When you are getting special attention because of a question you ask during a busy practice, EVERY coach loves his/her players when they shut their mouths during the answering of said question.
If you insist on talking over the answer, just save everyone the time, effort, and frustrations and hold off until you are ready to listen.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
3 board Floor Press
Beat last week.
Then add 10 lbs and do 2 x 3
JM Press:
Warm-up: 3x10
Work sets: 3x10
Warm-up: 3x10
Work sets: 3x10
Pull a parts: 100 reps
Shrugs: 2x20x405
Bike Commute: 29 mins
AirDyne II: 30 mins
Stretch: 15 mins