SOURCE: Rx Muscle
This video was emailed to me yesterday and I thought it was great and also applies to Online Powerlifting Coaches who have no buinesshelping others.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RVmEA3TyNM
These three sections made me laugh out loud.
"That's what it's like. They believe anyone online just because God knows why because you look at their profile pictures and half of them have done nothing. Then, it always amazes me like, that'd be like you, Dave. You prepare people for shows. I'm sure when you get ready for you shows, you've prepared yourself. You did your diet, you did your cycles, and whatever else. So I can't understand why these gurus who have all these clients getting them ready for a show. When they get ready for a show, they need a fucking guru. I'm like, "How the fuck do you need someone to get you ready if you're trying to get everyone else ready? It's like you can't get yourself ready, but you can tell everybody else what to fucking do, so you just look like a fucking hypocrite and a dick head." But like I said, if I was preparing people for shows, I should be able to get myself ready, 'cause if I can give out all this advice on losing water, getting in shape, taking cycles, but yet I can't do that for me, your own body that you should know the best, you can do that".
- Lee Priest
"So, if you're with somebody who's getting ready for a show, and like I said, you got a guru that's helping you and he's got a guru? Dump him because if he can't get himself ready, he can't fucking get you ready. It's as simple as that. He's just taking your fucking money and milking it. You're like a little experiment. He's probably like, "Let me give fucking Michael this. Take that and take that. Do that work. Well I won't try that when it comes time for me to get ready." So, he has little guinea pigs. That's pretty much all it comes down to. You got to go with someone reputable. Whether he's an ex-pro or someone that you know that's got some sort of back ground. Got someone that has, like I said, that's been around for years and years and years, and you've actually seen his clients do well competing shows. You know I'm not putting other people down, but there are some out there that call themselves pro-creators and stuff, and I haven't seen them create anything. I don't know if they could even create a fucking pancake".
- Lee Priest
"The best transformation I've ever seen in my life is like an Optimums Prime. He's like this and he goes, and then he turns into a fucking truck. Or Bumble Bee, they're the best transformations. Everybody else these days you have to wonder because when we did them back them, you'd actually do a proper photo shoot. We have a photographer for a fucking magazine. These days we're fucking editing in Photoshop and shit. We don't know how much someone's transformed".
- Lee Priest