Not a week goes by that I’m not amazed at all the drama, fake, two-faced stuff I see, hear and read. Doesn’t matter if it’s one negative comment made about someone by a troll, or an entire group bashing down another about something that they have no control of.
What happened to...
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”
...knowing the difference? Better yet, if the time could be better spent on something for growth and making a contribution.
The disconnect is more time and effort is spent on debating about all the things that people need to have conversations about, and how many things never get talked about (specifically on the strength training side – that actually are talked about, all the time, if people would stop complaining and start reading beyond IG posts and what they hear in their own circles).
Many would find the conversations are happening, the things they felt are being withheld just need a Google search or asking someone with more experience and education. This would create more learning and less complaining.
I understand many people love the drama, but many more want to become better, so don’t complain when they shuffle past you.
Remember our own worth is measured by what we put our energy into.
If you want to have more self-worth and value, look at where, how and who you spend and give your energy to. THIS is within your control.