I stand amidst a sea of scorched land.
Dirt and blood covered my hand.
I wave a flag to an audience of dead.
Bursting into tears as it cloudied my head.
Imagining a world I thought would be better.
Some may call me a hero but that's not what I'm after.
Flame surrounds me as I live to tell the tale.
Broken and emptied as I broke through my veil.
Death was around and I am one of those to blame.
This was not my war and yet a monster I became.
Was I lucky that I live or better of with my brothers.
In heaven they answer for sins of their fathers.
Was I righteous to kill a man for my nation?
I vowed for peace but where is my vindication?
This is no peace but I was a pawn on a game.
They may say they won the war but everything will remain the same.
Then I realize after this and then I knew.
War is not the answer but a means to a bitter true.
They celebrate my victor but I alone stood tall.
There is no peace in war but a plague to us all.