Talk about hitting it hard...I seriously don't know how parents do it with MULTIPLE kids playing MULTIPLE sports. We have ONE, and this is what the weekend looked like:
Friday: 1:00 PM (yes, out of school 1300 hours) Hockey Game
Friday: afternoon traffic. Now I've heard from other parts of the country about traffic snags, but unless you've endured AND prevailed on a Friday afternoon IN our traffic, you have NO IDEA what traffic can be. Not even up for debate!
Saturday: 0700- Hockey Game in San Jose
means leaving the house at 0530 because we need to be there an hour BEFORE the game.
Saturday: 1100- Lacrosse Game in Berkley This drive might be easier getting to Edison NJ.
Saturday: 1700- Hockey Playoff in San Jose
Saturday LATE (Have no clue what time) Squats/DL
Sunday: 1100: Lacrosse (finally in P'town) Local
I am right now on automatic pilot saying- "Hi, I'm Harry. I drive the bus".
12x2/12x1 as a super set
Monday: POMB Moderate Intensity/Moderate Volume
Prowler: 8x40 yards
DB Bench
DB Fly
Cable Fly
Cable Press
Supine DB TRI
Cable Tri Pushdown
Dips: 200
Pull up totals=1529
Push Up totals=1861
Prowler: 2640 yards
Bike Commute
Sprints: 10x40 yards