2020 taught me a lot of things.
It was the worst year I can remember in many, most ways.
I’m sure it wasn’t the best year ever for you either.
In another log, I wrote about things 2020 taught me.
In this one I’ll tell you one thing it made me realize is the most important.
Friends and family.
2020 taught me that while many things are truly important;
- Your job
- Finances
- School
- Your business
- Your training
These are all things we stress over a lot.
We also stress over other things too, but these seem to be the big ones.
2020 taught me that while those things are very important they pale in comparison to the importance of your friends and family.
And to many of us, our friends are our family.
I don’t mean acquaintances wither. I mean the ones you call when you need help and they just help, no questions asked.
They say you should be able to count your friends on one hand, I don’t know if I agree with that.
Or maybe I’m just lucky.
Your family is also at the top of the list.
So, as we move into 2021 take a moment and reflect on this. Realize that when the chips are down your business, your job, your school or whatever is not going to be there for you.
Your family and close friends are.
I know that 2020 proved that to me.
Mine were.
And I’m grateful for it.
Merry Christmas,
Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
December 25, 2020