The MONSTER GARAGE GYM/MAROSCHER COACHING LOG is a weekly Coaching Log by MGG owner, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Eric Maroscher, and is geared to the new to intermediate powerlifter. LIVE, LEARN and PASS ON.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM is one of the premier powerlifting gyms in the US.
THIS WEEK’S Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log: THREE LIFTERS IN A GARAGE
This Week’s Coaching Log:
So the week before last we hosted and ran a meet at Monster Garage Gym for Underdog Rescue, a local dog rescue that helps to find forever homes for dogs that have been abandoned or abused and the like. This was a RAW novice meet and honestly, it was great watching seasoned, veteran powerlifters hosting this meet that was comprised of novice competitors who are just now dipping the toe of their squat shoe into the deep waters that are the great sport of powerlifting. And all for a great cause.
As that meet was approaching training at the M.G.G. for the upcoming equipped nationals, AKA senior nationals has been in full throttle and pedal to the metal mode. This week those lifters are on a deload as their meet is coming up this weekend. But while those lifters are on downtime, we have a group of our strongman competitions prepping for their strongman competition which will be a joint venture between United States Strongman and Monster Garage Gym.
There is something gritty, something inspirational about competitive powerlifting gyms. They always have lifters training for a meet, others ready to hit the platform, others coming off a meet and others still who lift at the gym who don’t compete, yet travel with the lifters to support those who do.
The point of this week’s coaching log is simple, if you powerlift and are not training at a powerlifting gym, find a powerlifting gym and train with other powerlifters. The corporate gym is great for your auxiliary work, but to get the most out of your powerlifting training, training at a powerlifting or strongman gym alongside like minded lifters will help your training exponentially.
If you don’t have a powerlifting gym in your town (and there are fewer and fewer of them each year) park your car outside of your garage and park a power rack inside the garage. In other words, if there is not powerlifting gym nearby, start your own personal powerlifting area and find a powerlifter or two to train with. Trust me, there are other powerlifters in your town. The reason you might not ever see powerlifters at your corporate gym is because they are already training in their garage or basement. They have already moved their car out onto the driveway to make room for the power rack inside of the garage.
Think about this, if there are three of you, just three powerlifters training together in one garage, by the time you all three have brought to that garage the equipment you already have (you have some weights, the other guy/girl has some dumbbells, and the third guy/girl has a barbell, and then you all kick in for a power rack and a flat bench to put in the rack) you are well on your way.
If there is not a powerlifting gym close by, make your own. You don’t need 10,000 sqft of space and a hundred grand in equipment, you just need 400 sqft, a couple of training partners, some weights, a barbell, a power rack and a flat bench and you are good to go. I say this because this is exactly the set up the original Monster Garage Gym had, a 400sqft area, some equipment and powerlifters committed to becoming the strongest version of ourselves that we could be.
Even when I think back at the training space at Frantz Gym (a legendary powerlifting gym run by Ernie Frantz, The Godfather of Powerlifting) where we trained our heavy days at during the 1990’s, it surely was no 10,000 sqft facility. It was small, with three monolifts, a bench press, a deadlift platform, weights and dumbbells but wall to wall with powerlifting champions all working hard and supporting one another. The lifting that went on in Ernie's gym is stuff of legend and it surely wasn't because the space was huge. It was because Ernie was on a mission and thus so were his lifters. It was because we and the lifters before and after us were and had become part of something bigger than us. It is not the space that makes the lifters, it is the lifters who make the space and Ernie was the glue of the whole thing.
If necessity is the mother of invention, then creating your own training space is the answer to your future potential. You simply do not know what wonders, what lifting greatness is in store for you if you take this extra step and take matters into your own hands by creating your own training area. If you have been thinking about this, if it has crossed your mind more than a few times, take this as a sign and make it happen. To borrow a line from a movie I find deep meaning in, “If you build it, they will come.”
Now, build it!
Wishing all of our weekly coaching log readers the best in your training and competitions. Ever Onward, Eric Maroscher, Owner: MONSTER GARAGE GYM
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MONSTER GARAGE GYM uses Universal Nutrition/Animal supplements and EliteFTS powerlifting equipment.
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