There are three types of learners.
1. Auditory
2. Visual
3. Tactile
or they can be any combination or all three at the same time.
When I give instruction, I like to tell people what I'd like them to do and how to perform movements while I paint a picture at the same time. For example, during a squat, I like to tell people to sit back like they are sitting on a toilet bowl and don't pee on the floor. (a little humor helps as a reminder).
I will touch people on the superior border of the scapula as a way to indicate where I would like them to hold a bar during the squat. Saying something like, "the reason the top part of the scapula is made flat by God himself because GOD LOVES A HEAVY SQUATTER!"
However, when a person doesn't get any of the instruction I will then either demonstrate it myself or use someone in the group that performs the technique with a level of expertise to make the point clear.
IF THAT doesn't work, as is the case a few times...I will lose my mind and go into my R.Lee Ermy impersonation during "Full Metal Jacket".
At this point, I've exhausted all of my normally well-performing coaching techniques and resort to Brutal Bullying.
If THAT doesn't work, I make a person push the Prowler (again) or go home!
Some days you can't fix stupid!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Bike Commute: 27 mins
Prowler: 10x50 yds
C/S Row: 5x10
Neg Pull-Ups: 10x1 five-count eccentric
Neg Chin-ups: 10x1x+10 lbs five-count eccentric
Neg Dips: 10x2x+25 lbs five-count eccentric
Bike Commute: 25 mins