Today our lifters hit some mobility work lower body focus along with some other stuff to help prep them for their training session. Deficit deads (snatch grip), glute/ham raises, latest lunges, and some movments in the straps rounded out the day. Is great to see Karl and nova lifting and pushing each other. Marivon and Aaron have al S been pushing themselves in our 11am group. Kristin is starting to ramp up as well. Our 6am group is solid with 3-5 pushing each other. And Ed and Randy has some great groups rolling as well.
I hit somepull downs, tricep push downs/swimmers row combo,biceps and abs just a few sets. Felt good but can tell I took two steps back.
Classes and memberships have been increasing as well. We don't get a huge burst of New Years resolution crew which is good. I drove by club fitness and it was packed and looked horrible.