Today was our Powerlifting Squads biggest squat of their training session. Aaron hit 700lb raw and killed it but felt a light tear in hi quad area. He had put on a lot of muscle and said he was dehydrated. He should be good by the meet. Marivon had an ok day but is still learning. Her issue is doing to much. She trains some days 2x day. Nova, Sam had. A smoke show both with 765lbs. Karl hit a few extra reps as he was feeling beat up. Jim at a lighter weight hit close to his best squat. Brian did well, he is newer to the group. We still have a few others that I'm waiting on the hear what they did.
I helped handle and call depth today. Didn't lift. Yesterday i did some rack pulls and BB shrugs. Tomorow plan on hitting some upper body.
getting pumped for the Arnold we leave 2 weeks from Tomorow. Also have a Chicago trip planned to see my buddy Paula and check out some games-Blackhawks and bulls.
Feel good want to weigh myself Tomorow. Have def put some weight and size on. Hard to keep leaner as I can t do much of anything so have to eat best I can.