Wed 30 mins stepmill
Still wasnt quite ready for anything heavy for lower with AA Roid still hanging around literally. SO light super light lower work
Blast strap abs swing outs 5x10
Reverse hypers 4x12
Outtie machine , leg curl and leg extension circuit for 6 rounds
Reverse hypers 2x15 to finish
Friday Upper
Standing low row with monster multi strap on reverse hyper 13 sets mixed in with bench warmup. 225x10x5 sets
Assisted dips 10 inner handle, 5 outer handle. When up stack until failure at that rep range, then 8 and 3 reps, 5 and 3, 3 and 3
Little tiny bit of occlusion training for bi and tri 3x30 hammer curls and same on rope extensions. I know this is several years old but really my first attempt at the. Awesome pump.