Today our powerlifting squad hit cambered bar squats as their main lift. 8 reps was the scheme. Rev-hypers followed along with a bridge series and high leg leg raises to finish up the day. We didn't want to do too much as most were still stiff from mon/tues. We had some great progress these last few weeks. Aaron set the bar with rack pulls mon for the week. Nova had to take couple days off due to work and came in and doubled up his lift. He made up his rack pulls and got 785x3. Most he has had in his hands I believe. Karl and Jim are working really hard with the Eve group. Looking forward to seeing how Cody and his crew does Tomorow morn.
I feel pretty good. Tomorow I am supposed to pull some. Looking forward to having a good day and a great weekend. Trained clients/groups yesterday till 930pm today was a little more relaxed. Sampled some AdvoCare spark the other day liked it wasn't too strong affecting my heart etc. will prob buy some from one of my clients to wake up before I lift.