Today our lifters hit some high rep (8's) deadlifts and other lower body movements to compliment their training session. The morn group is great with the 4 lifters pushing each other. It is great to see everyone work hard together. After Andrew competes at his meet in a week we will be getting him and a couple others back in the eve group or my group to move towards March. Ed and Randy also have been getting a lot of lifters busting their ass. Look forward to the future.
As far as for myself yesterday I hit some squats narrow stance. The weight I did was nothing to brag about but felt OK despite the dizziness I usually feel. Later on I hit some walking lunges with BW.
Today I hit some abs on the ab core, chest supported rows and DB bench. I had some spotters to help handle me with the dumbells so I could go a little heavier. Was surprised how the chest supported rows felt as I thought the pressure on my chest where they cut would hurt but wasn't bad.
will go back in later today for clas and maybe hit one or two more small movements. I go in to the hospital Tomorow for a procedure and could be there for up to a week. Hope though I'm out in a couple days but we will see. Ultimatly I hope that this procedure speeds up the heart transplant. I am ready to get it over with and move on.