Bike: 30 minutes
The hotel had a serviceable recreation center so I got in a pre-breakfast bodyweight circuit.
- Treadmill: 10 minutes
- Push-ups: 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- RFESS 5x5 each
Bike: 20 minutes
- SSB Box Squat: 275x5/305x5/335x5/275x10
- Dips: 5x10
- T-Bar Row: 5x10
- Press: 115x5/135x5/155x5/115x10
- RDL: 5x5@275
- Hanging Leg Raises: 5x10
Smashed in another solid weekend of training/activity. I'm most happy with how consistent I've been. I can't remember being this focused and motivated for training in a long time.
What I like the most about where I am is that I've finally gotten my focus right. The weight room is for getting strong. The bodyweight circuits are for conditioning and mobility/feeling better and the bike is pretty self-explanatory. When I approach each workout I have a clear goal of the day and I'm just interested in getting that done.
During the spring and summer I had gotten into a groove of rushing through my workouts in a certain amount of time. ie: turning them into conditioning workouts. With the NOV Meet looming in December and Jim and Vincent's motivation, I've been able to really get back into lifting for strength, not for conditioning.
Although, I love using the weight room to build overall conditioning, its true purpose is strength. After the NOV I'll see where I stand. Thoughts of going back to lifting three days per week are creeping around in my head. I'll figure it out when I get there. I have options and that is something I like. I plan to ride this out for as long as I can. Inevitably, I'll hit that patch of training where I have no desire, whatsoever. Until then, I' enjoying it.