Well, I decided that I wanted to play basketball so I offered my services to the women's coach. He was more than happy seeing as they're playing "a big ole girl" on Thursday.
So, 3, 2 hour practices Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday pretty much took care of conditioning.
I spoke at length with Jim Wendler and one of the things I'm concerned about is the amount of time I'll have on a daily basis to train at this time of the year (not sure if I mentioned this in an earlier post). The plan thus far takes me about 2 hours. Doing 10 sets of Squats or Pulls and 10 sets of Benching or Pressing takes a long time. I just don't want to get in a situation where I'm skipping work because my schedule doesn't allow a full training session.
Jim to the rescue. My plan now Looks like 3 full body workouts a week (same as before) with the focus on one main lift per day. So, a week will be 8 days. Squat Monday, Bench Wednesday, Deadlift Friday, Press Monday... repeat.
I did the first lift today to get a feel and iron out any kinks. I opted for upper body because my feet, knees and back are locked up tight from all the basketball and the last lift of the old cycle on Monday.
- Med Ball Slams 3x5 with warm-up work
- Bench warm-ups 95x10, 115x5, 135x5
- Pull-aparts 2x25
- Split Squat 2x15 each
- Bench Work 165x5, 185x5, 205x5
- Pull-ups 4x8
- Bench FSL 5x8@165
- Hammer Row 2x20
- Side Raises 2x25
Jim's rule was this should take 45 minutes. It took me 40. I envision no issues here with upper body work because my weights are still so light. Lower body stuff will be a different story. I'm shooting for 55-60 minutes with that. Saturday I'll give that a run and see how it plays out.
I think this is a very realistic plan to follow given my time constraints this time of year. As of right now I have:
- 10-12 football groups (class conflict groups added)
- 5 volleyball groups
- 3 women's soccer groups
- Injured athlete groups/programs
per week. Plus, 4-5 recruiting Saturdays over the next 6 weeks. Not a lot of time, but time I have to be at work.
What I've noticed with my last 8 weeks of training.
- I'm feeling stronger with the main lifts
- Pull-ups are feeling easier (time to add the weight vest back in full time)
- My joints feel great with all the bodyweight movements
- My muscle mass is the same/maybe a little less because of all the bodyweight stuff
- Conditioning is great (had no issues running up and down in basketball practice 3 days in a row other than being sore from not running.
I'm very pleased.
I've picked up a new full-time hobby on top of playing the guitar. I went out and picked up a Smith & Wesson M&P 15. It's beauteous! It came with a 30 round magazine and I had to go out and get a 40 round magazine, as if 30 wasn't good enough. It came with a carrying handle and the traditional iron sites. Once I recover from the dent it put in my wallet I'll pick up a Red Dot Scope/optics. The iron sites are fine, but I want a scope! I'll take the carrying handle off the rail, get a riser and add the scope.
I went out to zero the iron sites and they were dead on for how my dad taught me to aim. Put the site at 6 o'clock and squeeze the trigger. With the new scope I'll have to zero it, which I'm looking forward to. I've never had to zero a gun because Papa Rhodes had all of ours set.
Hoping to continue shooting through the winter depending on my schedule.