If you've read the Facebook you may know that Wendler, Dizenzo and I are doing a geriatric meet in December. I even took video today to add to the hoopla. I have no idea how to post it on here so I won't bother trying to figure it out. But, I did get a good one in today. Jim's trash talking was a good motivator.
- Deadlift: 255x5/285x5/315x5/255x10
- Dips: 5x5 w/25lbs
- T-Bar Row: 5x10
- FBB Bench: 205x5/225x5/245x5/205x10
- RDL: 5x10
- Ab Rollouts: 5x10
Deadlift felt great. Dips were better than anticipated. I knew I could do them. I just didn't know how my shoulder would hold up, hence 5 reps. No issues. Bench was easy. I used 135 on RDL's because I haven't done them in years and didn't want to deal with the consequences. I do them correctly, so even with 135 I felt it in the hamstrings. Very solid day.
On Tuesday I did a bodyweight circuit:
- Bike: 5 minutes
- Push-ups: 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- RFESS/KB Swing: 2x5 each/2x10 each
Wednesday I took a 6 mile bike ride on the stationary bike. Kinda boring and the scenery never seemed to change?