Tuesday: Bodyweight Circuit
- Push-ups/Dips: 60 reps
- Pull-ups/Inverted Rows: 60 reps
- DB Clean/DB Snatch: 25 each arm
I played around with setting rep goals with different exercises. Bad idea. I spent more time (mental energy) figuring out how many reps I had to do to get to my goals. I'll stick with my normal Bodyweight Circuit. I may make 2-3 different circuits and I can just pick one. Either way, I function best when I have a few things to look do instead of too much variety.
Wednesday: Conditioning
Bike: 20 minutes
Thursday: Deadlift/Bench
- Deadlift: 225x5/275x5/315x5/225x10
- Dips w/45lbs: 5x5
- T-Bar Row: 5x10
- FBB Bench: 225x5/245x5/265x5/225x10
- RFESS: 5x5 each
- Ab Rollouts: 5x10
Deadlift felt great today. I'll experiment with one more progression idea and see how that goes. If my back acts up like it did last time, I'll stick with 225/275/315 (looks like the same on the SSB but is 20lbs heavier).
I'm very clearly figuring out that my training age is much older than my actual age. I'm not discouraged. For the short term I'm enjoying the process of preparing for the meet with Jim and Vincent. For the long term I'm enjoying the process of figuring out how I need to train for the next 20-30 years. Good times.
Why do you do Dips before Press and bench? Why not
Safe the strength and do mainlift first?