Good workout today. I felt pretty strong. My back is still not fully recovered and I notice that I shift when I press/push.
- SSB Box Squat: 185x5/210x5/235x5
- Ab Rollouts: 5x10
- Face Pulls: 4x25
- FSL: 10x5@185
- Dips/Pushdowns: 5x5/20
- KB Row: 5x10
The pushdowns were added because of the shifting. I noticed the same thing once I got fatigued benching the other day.
Positive results from straight bar benching. I had a little rotator irritation today, but it went away once I did some direct rotator cuff work. My triceps and chest are still sore so I have to continue to find a way to use the straight bar. Experimentation is always fun.