Today do TWO rounds of 25 reps of super legs...
1. Squat x 25
2a. Split Squat: (left foot forward of the rear by a good long stride distance of the right) x 25
2b. Split Squat: (right foot forward) x 25
3. Squat (again) x 25
4a. Rear Stepping Lunge moving the right leg back: x 25
4b. Rear Stepping Lunge moving the left leg back: x 25
5. Squat w/ momentum up onto the tippy toes: x 25
6. Jump Squat:x 25 Just leave the ground by an inch or so. No need to slam dunk basketballs. Make sure to land soft by absorbing the shock bending the knees upon impact.
7. Jump Lunge: X 25 Get into the split squat stance, spring up and switch your leg position in the air land soft, spring back up changing the leg position back to it's original starting position. Count will be 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 etcetera etcetera....
Box Jumps: 15x2
Take a five minute breather and set up a 12"-16" box to jump on to.
Drawing the hips back like a normal squat, bringing your arms down to you side and slightly back. Explode up onto the box swinging both arms up and high over your head.
As soon as you make contact with the box, absorb the shock landing much like a Ninja and make sure you decelerate your body ALL the way down. Touching your hamstrings to your calves.
Stand all the way up and be still for a moment.
STEP back down to the floor and repeat the jump.
2 jumps= 1 set
You will take 45 seconds to a full minute between sets!!! No less. This is NOT for endurance.