Time Flies
This was shot 10 years ago when we moved the gym back to our compound. This was the very early days of the s4 gym.
Looking through old videos on my phone, and I found this. And my first thought wasn’t about how times flies but how happy I am that my wife and I started @elitefts in 98.
We are now celebrating two years in our new location where all business entities are under the same roof, including the s5 gym.
I’ve never lied about the business. It’s been hard, very hard. It’s still very hard and is a slow going business that can be frustrating, draining and not profitable-but we are still going after 21 years! Not many, actually, very few in this industry make it ten years, let alone twenty.
While money matters, without it you can’t hire people, pay bills, grow and give away free content, but for me it’s never been a driving force.
Before elitefts I left the house to go train clients at 4:30am, and many days I didn’t get home until 10pm. After the birth of my first son, I had problems with this. I loved my Dad, but he was always at work. I didn’t want to be that way.
I do work a lot. When you own a business, I’m not sure if you are ever “off work”, but most of my work is from home with around 40 hours at the office-gym. I can count on my hands how many times in 10 years I was NOT home when my kids got off the bus. Their office is less than 5 yards from mine. I’m “there”, and I’m very proud of that, one of my top achievements in my life.
This video was a great reminder of all this. If you have your own business, money has to matter, but it doesn’t have to be the main driver for why you work as hard as you do.
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