I just took a few days in Nantucket. If you ever have the opportunity to go, it's a beautiful island. I was invited by my college roommate last summer and to my surprise I was actually invited back again. So I must not be nearly as much of the unbearable jackwagon (I learned that insult this weekend) that I think I am.
It was pretty much a four day trip, but I made sure to get a morning workout in before we left as to not miss any training. I figured the days off would do me good. Yeah, that was not so much the case. My back and hip got really tight. I think at one point I would have put the pain at 7 out of 10. My buddy's wife could see I was in pain. Funny, she asked if I was ok and I told her I bring this on myself so I don't like to bother anyone with it.
There were a number of times I stretched it out, but it didn't make much difference. However, some Captain Morgan and diet cokes did. Ah, sailing with the good captain always helps. It's nice that I don't often imbibe, because now when I do, it has the desired impact.
We got home late Wednesday night, but I made sure to go down and roll and stretch. I used the various apparatus that usually get my back and hip in working order. Of course the first day back was a squat session. Not training was not an option. I didn't feel great going into it, but at least I felt no worse when done. This ain't my first rodeo. I have much stretching and rolling ahead of me.
Lastly, I found with my squat I am much more comfortable with a wider stance. In addition I seem to have better form when I look straight ahead versus looking up or down. My last few fsl sets felt much less disjointed. I just need to find a form then stick with it. I hope this was it.
-Airdyne 20 minutes
-SSB box squats 260x3, 300x3, 335x10, 260 5x8
-Bulgarian sp sq 2x10
-Ab wheel rollout 2x10
-Back raises 2x10