"Triggered", "Pissed Off", "Offended", these are three of probably countless negative descriptions of emotional reactions to just about everything.
Seems so easy today to upset people by what you do, what you did, or even what you didn't and don't do!
Each day it gets harder and harder to actually make another person smile. Practice makes perfect! I practice humor and sensibility. I also practice to NOT react to those people who choose to stay in the negative stink'n think'n mode.
It is so easy to join in on a rant, or to even add fuel to a person's anger.
I'd rather see a person relax with a smile. I'm going to continue my practice of doing what it takes to get that end product out and hopefully paid forward.
I will NOT join in on any pity parties, or compound your anger with any of my own.
Because my friend, in the end...No one gives a crap about it. Only YOU do.
Today's Training:
OHP: Work up to a heavy 6 reps
OHP II: Add five pounds to last weeks rep weight and hammer out three sets of 10
Lean Out Lateral Raise: 3x10
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20 @35-28-18
Biceps: 2 sets
Triceps: 2 sets
Abs: 2 sets
Concept II Rowing Erg: 23 minutes