I feel its time to do a bit of a "re set". A reset? what the heck am I talking about?
Simple. Right before the holidays, it's time for me to zig when everyone else might be zag'n Summer is over and I used this years debacle of a summer to let things slip.
Nutrition is usually spot on. But I've increased my carb intake (not the good ones either) to a point that I am craving carbs.
I enjoyed the more than occasional libation to the point I need that dopamine fix.
The "inflammation" throughout my body has taken its toll and I feel like I am in an overall catabolic state.
What am I going to do? Change it! Reset the switches back to factory state.
Where it was suggested to "clean up" for three weeks, because I am OCD, means three months and if I write three months rest assure I am committed to six, no dairy, no sweets, no bad carbs, no alcohol.
If I can't grow it in my gardens or buy it at the farmer's market, I don't ingest it.
Free range meat, chicken and I live too close to the ocean not to get fresh fish, only!
No breads, wheat, or pasta.
Ready for this one?? No Caffeine. (YIKES. I've done this one before and the first three days are torture)
Meat, Fish, Poultry, Vegetable and seasonal local fruit.
1 gallon of water per day.
Clean up all the inflammation, and reduce my body fat to single digits.
Training's focus will be to reduce the volume and allow for the body to return to it's anabolic state. (yes, even at my age it can still be anabolic)
Vinny D and I have discussed the virtue's of not KILLING yourself EVERYFUCKING Day.
THAT is the hard part.
Like the better mechanics who have the most broken down cars in his driveway, or the best landscaper who has a yard with weeds and spots out of the lawn that is burned...so it is true for some of us "Coaches". "Do as I say, but not as I do".
That's why I didn't ride my home air dyne at 3:00AM today. I actually slept in until 3:45
So it is written, so it will be!
Today's Training:
Concept II Row: 20 mins
5 mins legs only
5 mins arms only
5 mins with both
1. Hex Grip Push ups/BB Curl: 4x25/12
2. Dips/Hammer Curls: 4x25/12
3. DB Supine Tricep Ext/Reverse Grip Curl: 4x25/12
Bike Commute: 27 mins