Sometimes, in the haste to get things started, we over book ourselves to the point of over stressing.
With the July 4th weekend upon us, MOST people that I train had off on this July 3rd Friday. Earlier in the week, I had posted that I was to leave the gym by 9:00 AM in order to spend some time celebrating our Independence with my family.
Since everyone had off, there was NO ONE in the gym except for my good friend Al, at the normal opening time of 5:30 AM.
Al and I discussed a few things and he ran the mono lift for me while I banged out my 10 sets of 5 box squats with 300 lbs. (My Sciatic issue might be over)
I then proceeded to the Dead Lift platform to get some pulls in. About that time, the people who normally train early, started to come in with those who usually train at the 7:00 AM hour.
THEN the term "trickle, flow, flood" came to the forefront of my mind. ALL of my assets were commandeered and we were in full fledge "bust a nut" training.
I managed (thank goodness) earlier to also do the GHR and my back HAB.
Knowing that the departure time was 9:00 and was advertised all week that way, I also accounted for those that would not see or hear about that. So yep, a few folks strolled in at 9:05, 9:10...but hey, not to worry. I set them in motion and beat feet for the holiday weekend.
This leads me to think, it is almost NOT worth adjusting the normal hours.
Take for instance when you go on vacation. We JAM before to get things ready for our absence, and then when we get back, we JAM to catch up.
So...in order to take time away or off, you double the output prior and post. Yea, I'm going to re-evaluate this at the next holiday. Almost better to just maintain the gym's status quo and not disrupt the natural flow.