I've written about many aspects of Coaching that often go "without saying". We get confused by some things and my goal is to Go ahead and SAY IT and define what is said. Keeping everything simple is my policy.
Hell, I explained "Where babies come from and how they are made" to my son this morning in terms that he could understand!
Straight forward and to the point. We chuckled when I told him what to think when he sees a pregnant women. *(wink, and nudge)
I am also guilty of writing and saying encrypted messages to people. I am often asked, "Is that directed at me?" to which I will retort, If the shoe fits Cinderella...
I want to take this time to give one of those ENCRYPTIONS ...
To waste a day should be looked at as morally illegal!
It is and always will be my contention to GIVE as much time to others as they need.
However, wasting time and not getting shit done is strongly frowned upon in my house, gym and presence.
If you feel this hits you in the face like an anvil, then YES! IT IS FOR YOU!
Today's Training:
Lat Pulldown
super set w/
DB Supine Tricep Ext
Sets of 20 reps, 18,16,15, 14 and 12 increasing the weight each set. The objective is to move quickly from one exercise to the other with minimum rest.
Free Motion Cable Hi to Low Seated pulls to get both retraction as well as depression out of the scapula
Super set with
Cable Pushdowns using the rope attachment
Same rep scheme: 20,
Chest Supported Row
Super set with
Over head one DB using two hands on it Tricep extension
Again...use the same rep and weight schematic.
Conditioning: 15 minutes