Tomorrow, November 10th marks the date by which the United States Marine Corps was born. Like the Iron Man Triathlon ..."there were these THREE drunk Admirals..."
I found this write up on the "Leatherneck's Forever" website and I laughed and said..."hmmmm".
"A little PSA, if you dont have an EGA some of this will not make sense to you.
This week Marines will celebrate the birthday of the Marine Corps and the birth of our most fearless leader Chesty Puller. We will also herald the leadership of James Mattis, Smedley Butler, Dan Daily and E-Tool Smith. You see boys and girls our first recruiter Robert Mullan worked in a bar because our service was founded in a bar. We are a breed not a service.
So here are a few things to keep in mind.
1. Do not be a douchebag and say to a Marine, "I almost joined the Marines". It is like saying I train UFC while wearing a Tapout shirt.
2. If you are a female, you can show a Marine your breasts, studies have shown that showing your breasts to a Marine cures cancer.
3. If you are not a Marine, you can buy a Marine a shot, not a beer. If you drink get to the point.
4. Don’t ask them if they ever killed anyone, because they will reply, "Who said I am done?''.
5. There is no such thing as an ex-Marine, the only ex-Marines are dead and even then they are wearing chucks on duty guarding the streets of heaven.
6. Under no circumstances should you touch a Marine's medals, he will kill you and have 200 alibis and God himself will vouch for him.
7. All Marines took an oath to defend this country, it never expires as long as they are alive.
8. Most Marines would walk into combat tomorrow if need be, even if they are disabled they can still call in fire or spot.
9. If you see a guy wearing a hat that looks like the last letters of scrabble that spell out Phu Lai, Hue CIty, Da Nang, A Sha, that man is bad mofo and simply say to him, "welcome home''.
10. We were here before the country was formed, and will be here for a long time to come, get used to it, because every man and woman who has an EGA is a brother or sister.
To all you zoomies and squidberts, we would try to explain this to you but, well you know, we run out of crayons.
Have a good week Marines, Semper Fi." ~ Leathernecks Forever
Today's Training:
Dynamic LOW Box Squat: 10x2@45%+a shit ton of chains per side.
Pause on the box for a three count. Lose the stretch reflex. Then DRIVE off the pad. In my mind I thought I looked like Lawerence Taylor smashing a running back or quarterback. What I looked like in actuality was more like Homer Simpson doing the FAT MAN run.
Dead Lift: 10x1@50% plus a bunch of chains
Reverse Hyper: 5x15
Bike Commute: 22 minutes
Sprint I: 10x10 yards @50%
Sprint II: 5x50 yards @50%