The New Year is upon us and people will start making resolutions, maybe even you.
Instead of making resolutions, let’s do something different with your training this year.
Let’s make a list of easily identifiable tasks that you can implement to make your training and your performance better.
Here is my list of Top 4 Things to Do to Improve Your Training and Performance
1. Identify your primary objective.
This is your primary goal, the thing you want the most.
For the bulk of the readers here it will apply to performance in your chosen sport.
Using a Powerlifter as an example, don’t just say “I want a bigger total.”
That’s too broad. Everyone wants that.
You need to identify what is holding you back from getting this. It’s usually your worst lift, or it could be something else.
Whatever it is, figure it out.
- Is your Squat the weakest link?
- Your bench?
- Your recovery?
- Your nutrition?
2. Identify How to Fix the Issue.
This may not be easy. You’ve got to be self aware and you’ve got to be objective.
It could be as simple as working harder, or working smarter.
There are a lot of factors to look at in order to determine how to fix your issue.
- Do you have a coach or follow a program?
- Is it/they any good?
- Do you follow it or do you go “off book” a lot and take matters into your own hands?
- Are you doing the right Assistance and Accessory work for you?
This is usually somewhat easy to figure out.
If you are getting stronger and staying fresh and injury free, the answer is usually yes.
If you said no, it could be found here. But not always.
Are you out partying a few nights a week and then hitting the gym all banged up?
Well, it’s probably not the program.
Are you working hard enough at your program or are you taking shortcuts?
Is your training consistent?
I can list a bunch more other things, but these are the most important factors to look at.
Grab a pen and paper and write down what you think it important.
3. Make a list of things you think you can improve on.
This ties back into the last thing in point 2. Grab a pen and start writing.
Think about what you can do:
- to get better
- to be more consistent
- where you can train smarter
- where you can train harder
- what exercises you are not doing that will help
- what exercises you are doing that aren’t
- how you can make better nutrition and lifestyle choices to improve
- how you can improve your sleep and recovery
4. Implement the changes in a tactical way.
Don’t change everything all at once.
Do on thing for a few weeks and see what happens, then another.
If you make wholesale changes to anything, you’ll never know what worked, just that it did.
Identify what changes worked and then figure out what others you can add to make an impact.
I hope you take my list of the Top 4 Things to Do to Improve Your Training and Performance
and implement them soon.
I’ll bet it works.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
December 26, 2019